Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics (LOT)
LOT is the acronym of ‘Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap’, (Netherlands National Graduate School of Linguistics). LOT unites about 400 faculty members and 150 PhD students and provides a junction for national and international communication for the benefit of linguistic research and education. Exchanges, joint seminars, lecture series and collaborations of various kinds between researchers from participating institutes are common practice, and are announced in a weekly newsletter. LOT organizes and coordinates the training of graduate students in linguistics. Each year, LOT organizes a winter school in January and a summer school in June/July. All LOT graduate students can publish their PhD dissertation in the LOT dissertation series. LOT’s research program covers all major areas of linguistics, and exploits a wide range of methodological tools and theoretical frameworks. Recent evaluations of participating institutes are outstanding, and corroborate the excellent quality of linguistic research in the Netherlands.